Who knew that stepping away from the game could be the golden recipe to scoring big? If you’ve been glued to Caitlin Clark’s every move, this next part might blow your basketball-loving mind. The WNBA’s latest rookie phenom has revealed that her secret weapon isn’t more practice—it’s a much-needed break! Yeah, you read that right. Clark, the Indiana Fever’s sharpshooting queen, was ready to do anything but touch a basketball after the Olympic break, and it might be the smartest move since Jordan retired for the first time (or second… or third?).

Basketball Detox, Anyone?

“Honestly, I can’t wait to not touch a basketball for a while,” Clark dramatically confessed after the All-Star Game, sounding like a college student after finals week. But can you blame her? The girl hasn’t seen a proper break since the start of the 2023 NCAA season. The Olympic break was practically a gift from the basketball gods, and Fever Head Coach Christie Sides couldn’t have been happier. During her chat with Howard Megdal on the Locked On podcast, she described the unique challenge of babysitting—I mean, coaching—a player who absolutely refuses to rest. “I was always having to check in to make sure she wasn’t sneaking in extra practices like some kind of basketball ninja,” Sides laughed. “This girl has not stopped playing since forever.”

And let’s be real—Clark’s exhaustion was showing. When Clark got some actual rest, she averaged an insane 30.0 PPG on 48.4% shooting. When she didn’t? Oof. Her stats nosedived faster than a bad Tinder date—5.5 PPG on 16.7% shooting. Those numbers are uglier than a bad mid-range jumper.

Clark’s Recharge: A Game-Changer or Just More Deadlifts?

So, what did the magic break do for our basketball heroine? According to Sides, it was nothing short of a transformation. “Huge,” she said. And by ‘huge,’ she might as well have been talking about Clark’s new gains in the gym. Apparently, Clark didn’t just rest; she hit the gym like she was preparing to arm-wrestle The Rock. Imagine walking into the gym, and there’s Caitlin Clark casually deadlifting, like, “Yeah, I’ll just take this month-long break to turn into a superhero.”

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In true Clark fashion, though, she couldn’t resist the urge to stay sharp. She dragged her assistant coach, Jesse Miller, into morning shooting sessions, determined to improve her shots. You can almost hear Sides rolling her eyes as she recounts Clark’s relentless work ethic, “She just kept going. Even when her shots weren’t falling, she was like, ‘Eh, I’ll just take the next one.’” That’s the basketball version of repeatedly pressing ‘snooze’ on your alarm and still thinking you’ll get everything done on time.

The Olympic Break: Clark’s Secret Weapon or Just a Clever Excuse to Avoid Practice?

The Fever may have stumbled to an 11-15 record, but with Clark fresh off her break and newly pumped-up from all those deadlifts, fans are wondering if this will be the spark they’ve been waiting for. After all, when Clark’s rested, she’s a force to be reckoned with. But when she’s tired, well… let’s just say her shots land about as accurately as your grandma’s attempts at using an iPhone.

And if you think the Indiana Fever took the break lightly, think again. They went full-on fun mode with a team home run derby. Yeah, you read that right—home run derby. Because who needs basketball when you can hit dingers with your WNBA squad? Let’s just hope none of them are thinking of switching sports anytime soon.

Clark’s All-Powerful Return: The Fever vs. The Mercury (Round 3!)

Now that Clark’s back from her temporary sabbatical (and apparently stronger than ever), Indiana’s ready to face the Phoenix Mercury for the third time this season. They’ve already beaten Phoenix twice, but can they make it a clean sweep? With a rested Clark leading the charge, the odds look good—unless, of course, she’s too busy deadlifting to care.

Will the Indiana Fever finally turn their season around, or will it be another case of too little, too late? Well, we’ll see on August 16th when they return to the court. One thing’s for sure: Caitlin Clark is rested, jacked, and ready to remind the world why she’s the next WNBA superstar.

So, stay tuned for more—you won’t want to miss Clark’s next chapter in what’s already shaping up to be an unforgettable season. After all, who knew that sometimes the best way to level up in basketball was to not play basketball?